Jenkins 2 hits LTS
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
July 7, 2016
It’s been almost three months since we’ve released Jenkins 2.0, the first ever major version upgrade for this 10 year old project. The 2.x versions since then has been adopted by more than 20% of the users, but one segment of users who haven’t seen the benefits of Jenkins 2 is those who has been running LTS releases.
But that is no more! The new version of Jenkins LTS release we just released is 2.7.1, and now LTS users get to finally enjoy Jenkins 2.
This release also officially marks the end-of-life for Jenkins 1.x. There won’t be any future release of Jenkins 1.x beyond this point. If you are worried about the upgrade, don’t be! The core of Jenkins is still the same, and all the plugins & existing configuration will just work.